Plant for Sun & Shade – 30 Recommendations
Useful Landscaping Ideas, Tips and Best Practices concerning landscape and garden design, xeriscape and hardscape design, construction, installation and maintenance in the Dallas and surrounding North Texas area. For more information, call 214.987.0006.
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Plant for North Texas Heat plus Abundant Color and Bloom
Art That Grows would like to put a smile on your face every-time you step outdoors! Spring is here and we're ready - and still able - to update the annual color for your home.
For shade to partial shade, we recommend Aspidistra, Begonias, Caladiums, Coleus, Impatiens, Ferns and Hibiscus, Hydrangea, Mahonia Soft Caress, Mondo Grass, Vinca / Periwinkle.
For Partial Sun to Partial Shade, Dwarf Fringe Flower (Loropetalum), Red Muhly Grass, Big Blue Liriope, Lenten Rose
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Annual, Heat tolerant, full sun to partial shade, constant bloom

Annual, Full Sun, blooms spring, summer and fall until frost, reliable Texas performer, heat tolerant

Hardy perennial evergreen, light shade to deep shade, upper third develops white vegetation as season progresses, holds color in winter

Perennial on coast, annual in North Texas, sun and shade tolerant with afternoon shade, drought tolerant, long-blooming

Evergreen Ground Cover, Full Sun to Mostly Shade, Dry Shade Tolerant

Perennial / Annual, Blooms through late summer, full sun

Full sun to partial and full shade, heat tolerant, varied, colorful annual plant

Annual grown for variety and striking foliage, partial shade to shade

Annual / Hardy Perennial, full sun to partial shade, blooms spring to late summer into fall, fragrant blooms

Evergreen, year-around color, partial shade to sun, drought resistant, blooms mid-spring

Shade to partial sun, however some varieties do well in bright light and dryish soil such as the Southern Shield Fern, evergreen

Perennial, blooms late spring through fall, partial sun to partial shade

Sun to partial shade, flowers late summer and fall, blooms change color from white to pink to brown, deciduous shrub

Blooms on previous year’s branches and new season growth, blue, purple or pink flowers spring through summer, partial shade, deciduous

Annual, blooms through summer and fall, partial sun, the closer they are planted the taller they will grow – space accordingly

Coral – Pink foliage in spring, and gold, orange or red in fall, brilliant red color on young branches, Partial to full sun. Deciduous with dense branches.

Ornamental evergreen, prefers sun but tolerant of moderate shade, even deep shade with pruning. Prune to control growth and shape. Use for vertical element, topiary, and hedges.

Perennial in nature, may be planted as annual, blooms spring into fall, plant in fall for winter blooms, full sun, occasional shearing produces blooms on new growth

Perennial, blooms late winter to mid-spring, partial sun to full shade, returns year-after-year with increased stems

Evergreen, drought tolerant, blooms in spring and early winter, partial shade to shade

Evergreen, ground cover, perennial, partial to full shade, good substitute for Liriope, produces small berry

Evergreen, full sun – partial shade, heat tolerant, good flanking shrub

Perennial, deciduous, full sun, partial shade, deep green to blackish leaf, white flower in spring and sporadically throughout season. They do not grow potatoes.

Rapid growth annual / tender perennial over winter, replant in spring. Full sun to partial shade. Prune to control spread and foster blooms.

Perennial (protect for freeze) or plant as annual, blooms all summer even in high heat, full sun (prefers) to partial shade

Evergreen, blooms early spring, sun to partial sun

Full Sun to Partial Shade, flowers late summer through fall, perennial, in winter flowers turn tan to beige

Sun to Partial Sun, dormant in winter, flowers late summer until frost, Evergreen

Evergreen, Full Sun to Partial Shade, drought resistant, mature height 10’ – 30’, red berries

Vinca major/minor (Periwinkle) – Evergreen ground cover / perennial blooms of white, blue and purple from spring through fall, winter interest. Partial sun, prefer partial shade, shade, and tolerate deep shade. Drought tolerant, do not over water. Note: The main difference between Vinca major and Vinca minor is that the leaves of V. major are slightly broader, larger, ovate, or heart shaped, while those of V. minor are small, elongated, lance-shaped.
For sun, the plants are: Alyssum, Angelonia, Black-eyed Susan, Dianthus, Japanese Maple (Coral Bark), Lantana, Penta, Potato Vine, Sweet Potato Vine, Savannah Holly, Salvia Leucathus, and Variegated Pittosporum, Plum Yew Fastigiata, and Dwarf Yaupon Holly.
Our spring planting runs through May. Please let us know your plant choices and color preferences. We are also glad to help you with that decision.
Let us add spring and summer color to your landscape so that every time you step outside your home brings a smile to your face with an email to or call to Art That Grows at 214-987-0006.