Useful Ideas, Tips and Best Practices concerning landscape and garden design, xeriscape and hardscape design, construction, installation and maintenance in the Dallas and surrounding North Texas area. For more information, call 214.987.0006.
Let's discuss your outdoor work of art.

There is much that can be done now to start the spring season off with a healthy, attractive, colorful landscape. Here are 9 tips your landscape will love.
Plan a new or updated landscape design
If you have not already, remove all annual plants, thoroughly rake and clean-up debris
Water and cut back perennials
Plant spring blooming bulbs up until mid-January, but wait until after last frost for plants such as elephant ears
Prune shrubs and trees just before spring or early spring
Set-up planters and gardens
Add or refresh mulch
Apply fertilizer
Plant an early vegetable garden in January and February
Make your landscape blossom and flourish this spring with an email to or call to Art That Grows at 214-987-0006.