Useful Landscaping Ideas, Tips and Best Practices concerning landscape and garden design, xeriscape and hardscape design, construction, installation and maintenance in the Dallas and surrounding North Texas area. For more information, call 214.987.0006.
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When to Water – Best Practice Guidelines for North Texas
The general recommendation is about 1 inch of water per week using your automatic sprinkler system. This is recommended when it does not rain. But how do you calculate the length of watering time for 1 inch of water? And is 1 inch the correct amount?
Here is a very useful, convenient online way to find out the recommended water amount for your city. Use the Water My Yard* watering recommendation at
You’ll be surprised to find that each city’s recommended time and amount is different. (Enter your city instead of your zip code.)
Evapotranspiration comes from the words evaporation and transpiration and is used to measure the amount of water needed to grow different plants. Different types of plants will have different daily ET rates. This tool provides irrigation recommendations for warm season turf grasses such as St. Augustine, Bermuda, Zoysia, and Buffalo.
General Watering Tips
It is generally best to water in the morning, as early as sunrise and no later than 10:00 AM. Automatic system watering is not permitted between 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM from April 1 to October 31.
Deep, infrequent watering builds a healthy lawn with a strong, deep root system. . Frequent shallow watering causes a plant's roots to grow near the soil surface, where they quickly dry out.
Adjust your watering schedule based on the amount of sun an area receives. Areas that receive full sun will need more water then shady locations.
Avoid watering when it is raining (which is a water conservation code violation) and adjust the amount of water based on the level of rain received.
Avoid watering in the evening as this can result in over watering. Morning watering allows for the proper ET rate.
Watering you can do within the North Texas Municipal Water District
Watering of landscape and lawns by hand-held hose with a shutoff nozzle, drip irrigation and soaker hose is permitted. These methods of watering can be done any day and at any time.
Use of drip irrigation systems, soaker hoses and hand-watering with a shutoff nozzle to protect foundations is allowed.
The operation of ornamental fountains is permitted.
Non-commercial car washing or other motor vehicles can be done only when using a water hose with a shutoff nozzle.
Newly constructed pools, Jacuzzis and spas may be filled.
Pools may be drained and refilled as needed (must follow proper water disposal methods).
Hosing down or power washing sidewalks, driveways, patios, porches, parking areas or other similar paved surfaces is permitted.
Smart or ET Irrigation systems may operate as needed. A variance is required to operate smart/ET Irrigation systems.
*Water My Yard is a program of Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service under the direction of Dr. Guy Fipps conducted in partnership with water districts, cities and public utilities.
We hope you have found this information helpful. For a year-around watering guide, view and download our Art That Grows Watering Generalities Schedule!
If we can help you with your landscaping needs, please reach out to schedule a consultation. We can be reached at or call Art That Grows at 214-987-0006.